Monday, June 13, 2011

Lots of Jobbing!

Man, it seems like I say this every time I post.  I have been obscenely busy the last few weeks!  I told you about my new job with Fifth House Ensemble here in Chicago, well in addition to that, I got another new job as a barista, too!  (If you're in Chicago & want to know where so you can visit me, let me know & I'll share!)  And, of course, still running my last show at VG.  I thought I wouldn't be starting the barista training/job until after my show at VG closed (yesterday), but I was wrong.

So, for the last few weeks, I've been working 3 jobs.  But, now that the show is closed, I can focus on repping Fifth House on the interwebs (that's right, I run their blog, twitter, and facebook!) & making lots of coffee!  Check us out!

I did get to spend Memorial day laying in the sun, reading, and riding my bike out at Montrose Harbor!  Included pictures are from that gloriously relaxing day.

As far as crocheting goes, I'm working on cranking out Wedding Afghan #2!  This BFF's wedding I'm in isn't until August, BUT her shower is on 6/25, AND I was able to get off work so I can go.  So I'm trying to get it finished to give her at the shower.  We'll see how that goes.  It's hard to crochet an afghan when you don't have AC...